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Dear friends,

The Dnepropetrovsk initiative group has sent an appeal to the President of Ukraine regarding the fate of H.P. Blavatsky House-Museum in Dnepropetrovsk (the historical Fadeyevs’ Mansion in Yekaterinoslav, where she was born). They ask the President to initiate the adoption of all the necessary decisions to turn the Fadeyevs’ Mansion into a full value museum as well as cultural and educational Centre of our great Сompatriot.

The local Dnepropetrovsk TV company made a television broadcast about Helena Petrovna and her family as well as the modern (undisguisedly pitiable) state of the House-Museum.

Click the link below to view the video:

We are asking you to support this important initiative and disseminate the information about it.

To get access to the Appeal text and subscription papers for its support click the link: http://paxpercultura.org/HPB_signatures.pdf

We would ask you to send to the said postal address of the President of Ukraine only the filled in subscription letters (in Russian, Ukrainian or English).

You may also attach your own appeals to the President of Ukraine to the filled in subscription letters.

We are confident that our joint efforts will help to save the Museum and commemorate H.P. Blavatsky’s memory with dignity!

March 27, 2012

   E-mail: mail@paxpercultura.ru